Nov 13

Jeroen Habraken (a.k.a VeXocide) sent an article about parsing escaped strings using Qi, which we happily publish for everybody to read. Thanks Jeroen!

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Nov 07

The Spirit mailing list is still the place where active discussion takes place. I will be posting some excerpts from the mailing list here every once in a while. Here’s an interesting post from Leo Goodstadt:
Are Qi parsers thread-safe?

The answer of course is yes

I have been trying to speed up some parsing code going through around 25 GB of data. This had been taking up 6 hours using Python code. Re-writing it using Qi had taken it down to 4 minutes. And finally, with the help of Intel Threading Building Blocks, I am down to 37 seconds or a > 500x speedup!
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