Jun 08

Here’s another BoostCon video uploaded by Marshall Clow. This one is about Phoenix V3, by Hartmut Kaiser:


The slides for this talk can be found here: https://github.com/boostcon/2011_presentations/blob/master/mon/phoenix_v3.pdf?raw=true.

Phoenix will be the next generation of creating unnamed, inlined polymorphic function objects. With V3 we combine the functionality of Boost.Bind and Boost.Lambda, and arranges it into a new library. By writing this new library, we were able to fix some limitations of the aforementioned libraries without breaking backwardscompatibility. The purpose of the talk will be to outline the importance and elegance of functional programming (FP) in C++. The first part of the talk will give an introduction into the Domain Specific Embedded Language (DSEL) we defined with Phoenix. A DSEL is built with the help of regular C++ function and operator overloads. For Phoenix we defined such a language that emulates C++, to give potential users a low entry into the world of FP. While a lot of existing C++ code relies on higher order functions (better known as function objects), e.g. the C++ standard library use them as a way to let users customize operations in certain algorithms. We focus the second part of the talk on examples on how to use Phoenix instead of writing regular function objects and how to enable your legacy code to be used inside Phoenix expressions. However, Phoenix is more. Phoenix is equipped with a unique (in C++) mechanism to handle the expressions discussed in the previous sections as data. This allows us to handle Phoenix not in the C++ standard way but in any way you like. An overview of these mechanisms will be given in the last part of the talk to give potential users an insight on possible future applications that might evolve around Phoenix.

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Jun 08

This is the first time I missed attending BoostCon (May 15-20, 2011 – Aspen, Colorado). Fortunately, for us who were not able to attend, Marshall Clow uploaded some videos. Here’s one one that’s relevant to Spirit: “Spirit.Qi in the Real World”, by Robert Stewart. Watch the presentation here:


You can find the slides here: https://github.com/boostcon/2011_presentations/raw/master/tue/spirit_qi_in_the_real_world.pdf

Past sessions on Spirit have focused on introducing Spirit or showing extracts of real use, intermingled with tutorial highlights. Upon writing real Spirit.Qi parsers, however, one quickly discovers that “the devil is in the details.” There are special cases, tricks, and idioms that one must discover by trial and error or, perhaps, by following the Spirit mailing list, all of which take time and may not be convenient. In this session, we’ll walk through the development of a Spirit.Qi parser for printf()-style format strings. The result will be a replacement for printf() that is typesafe and efficient.

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Feb 12

Narinder Claire asked a seemingly innocent question on the Spirit mailing list the other day. After starting to write an answer I realized that this question is not innocent at all as it touches the very fabric of Spirit: the rules of attribute handling. Many people have a hard time to properly understand what is going on in the nether regions of Spirit. More importantly, they have a hard time to understand why is Spirit implemented the way it is.

The new article Attribute Propagation and Attribute Compatibility not only answers Narinders questions but tries to explain those important concepts in more detail.

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Dec 03

These are links to the slides and video of Michael Caisse’s BoostCon 2010 talk:

slides: <http://www.objectmodelingdesigns.com/boostcon10/>
video: <http://blip.tv/file/4143337 >


Machinery, sensors, equipment, client/server communications, even file formats… Parsing and producing communication streams is everywhere you look. Often these tasks are simple or small enough to tempt ad-hoc solutions. The Spirit 2.1 library provides a model that is simple enough to tackle those “quick hacks” and easily scales for full-featured AST generation.

This session will explore real-life experiences with the parser and generator (Qi/Karma) portions of the Spirit library. As we look at various small and medium-sized parsers/generators employed in various products we will establish some “rules-of-thumb” and guidelines for tackling the parser/generator domain with Qi/Karma. The session will end with the implementation of a usable XML parser and a simplified XPath-like node extractor.

The session will include some lecture and a lot of tutorial. Attendees will walk away with the knowledge and tools to begin parsing and generating with Spirit Qi/Karma.

—Michael Caisse

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Nov 13

Jeroen Habraken (a.k.a VeXocide) sent an article about parsing escaped strings using Qi, which we happily publish for everybody to read. Thanks Jeroen!

Continue reading here.

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Oct 14

Care about how Spirit got started? Here’s a link to our BoostCon 2010 presentation:


This year, we celebrate Spirit’s 10th anniversary from its early beginnings as an offshoot from a much larger GUI library in the 90s and debuted into Boost in May 2001 in the typical “Is there interest in this library?” fashion like all would be Boost libraries. From a humble 7 header file library, Spirit has grown to be one of the most sophisticated Boost libraries and along the way became the incubator of other Boost libraries such as Boost.Fusion, Boost.Phoenix, and Boost.Wave and played a significant role for Boost.Proto getting mature.
We would like to present Spirit (and the libraries it inspired) in a historical perspective. The presentation will aim to provide a lighter, more intimate perspective into the development of at least 4 libraries with almost a decade’s worth of experience being Boost authors and bonafide crazy template metaprogrammers who abuse operators like Mad Scientists. Of course, we can’t help it if we show off some C++ tricks here and there, but we’ll try to keep it as light as we can.

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Mar 05

Tracking the Input Position While Parsing

By Peter Schüller Advanced, Beginner, Qi Example Comments Off on Tracking the Input Position While Parsing

The following article is about tracking the parsing position with Spirit V2. This is useful for generating error messages which tell the user exactly where an error has occurred. We also show how to use Spirit V2 to parse from an input stream without first reading the whole stream into a std::string.

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Mar 03

The concept of Spirit’s semantic actions seems to be easy enough to understand as most people new to the library prefer their usage over applying the built-in attribute propagation rules. That is not surprising. The idea of attaching a function to any point of a grammar which is called whenever the corresponding parser matched is straighforward to grasp. Earlier versions of Spirit required a semantic action to conform to a very specific interface. Today’s semantic actions are more flexible and more powerful. Recently, a couple of people asked questions about them. So I decided dedicating this Tip of the Day to the specifics and the usage model of semantic actions in Spirit Qi.

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Feb 24

Spirit supports skipper based parsing since its very invention. So this is definitely not something new to Spirit V2. Nevertheless, the recent discussion on the Spirit mailing list around the semantics of Qi’s lexeme[] directive shows the need for some clarification. Today I try to answer questions like: “What does it mean to use a skipper while parsing?”, or “When do I want to use a skipper and when not?”.

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Feb 17

Recently, there have been a couple of questions on the Spirit mailing list asking how to parse as set of things known in advance in any sequence and any combination. A simple example would be a list of key/value pairs with known keys but the keys may be ordered in any sequence. This use case seems to be quite common. Fortunately Spirit provides you with a predefined parser component designed for exactly that purpose: the permutation parser.

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Jan 26

A couple of days ago I promised to get back to this topic (if you want to refresh your memory, here is the discussion of those operators in Qi). Today we will discuss Karma’s unary operators ‘!’ and ‘~’. These have very similar semantics as their counterparts in Qi, but as usual, we have to turn things inside out in order to make them fit to output generation.

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Jan 25

Starting with Spirit V2 we added a module for generating code aimed at the lexical analysis of the input: Spirit.Lex (a lexer module, also called scanner). Lexical analysis is the process of preprocessing the stream of input characters and separating it into strings called tokens, most of the time delimited by whitespace. Most compiler texts start here, and devote several chapters to discussing various ways to build scanners. Spirit.Lex is a library built to take care of the complexities of creating a lexer for your grammar.

We know the documentation of Spirit.Lex is not complete yet. So I will write  more about it here from now on to fill in the missing pieces and to show a couple of tricks demonstrating its best usage.

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Jan 21

In the previous installment of the ‘Tip of the Day’ I started to talk about some lesser known features related to semantic actions. Today I will highlight some more details. If a semantic action is attached to a component which is part of an expression assigned to a rule (the rule’s right hand side) it is not only possible to access the attributes of the components it is connected with. In addition it is possible to access rule specific values! Sounds interesting? Read on!

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Jan 19

The concept of semantic actions seems to be quite easy to understand. It appears to be at least easier to grasp than the concept of attribute propagation. This might be because semantic actions have been part of Spirit for almost a decade now. Additionally, with semantic actions data flow control is tightly connected to the component the semantic action is attached to, so the effect is highly localized and easy to spot.

Spirit has some new features related to semantics actions. That’s reason enough to talk about how attributes can be accessed from inside semantic actions.

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Jan 17

The Freenet #boost IRC channel amazes me every day with the amount of interest Spirit is getting from a lot of people. Thanks to everyone over there! But the best is those people are asking many interesting questions allowing me to come up with yet another Tip of the Day.

Today’s question has been asked by @psicode: “What is the difference between the components created by the unary operators ‘!’ and ‘~’?”. As the semantics of those operators are slightly dissimilar in Qi and Karma, I will talk about them separately. I will write about the Qi operators today and about the corresponding Karma operators in one of the next installments.

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