Oct 14

Care about how Spirit got started? Here’s a link to our BoostCon 2010 presentation:


This year, we celebrate Spirit’s 10th anniversary from its early beginnings as an offshoot from a much larger GUI library in the 90s and debuted into Boost in May 2001 in the typical “Is there interest in this library?” fashion like all would be Boost libraries. From a humble 7 header file library, Spirit has grown to be one of the most sophisticated Boost libraries and along the way became the incubator of other Boost libraries such as Boost.Fusion, Boost.Phoenix, and Boost.Wave and played a significant role for Boost.Proto getting mature.
We would like to present Spirit (and the libraries it inspired) in a historical perspective. The presentation will aim to provide a lighter, more intimate perspective into the development of at least 4 libraries with almost a decade’s worth of experience being Boost authors and bonafide crazy template metaprogrammers who abuse operators like Mad Scientists. Of course, we can’t help it if we show off some C++ tricks here and there, but we’ll try to keep it as light as we can.

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May 16

Yes, we were tempted to call our second BoostCon talk ‘Design and Evolution’, but we decided to to be modest. We wanted to give a very brief overview of the way Spirit has evolved over the last decade. While talking about a period of time this long in 90 minutes has to be very brief we nevertheless tried to highlight the main stepping stones and milestones in Spirits development. For me, developing the slides for ‘Spirit: History and Evolution’ was real fun: looking through ancient email archives, re-reading key private conversations, and realizing that most of the ideas implemented today have been already in place from the early years. All of this was exciting. To some extent, this even turned out to be educational.

I have to admit I was not sure how people would react to this kind of talk. It was not one of the usual, sophisticated, well thought through, and cutting edge presentations normally seen at BoostCon. This talk was merely a conversation with the attendees about Boost’s history guided by Spirits evolution. In the end I was relieved to see people reacted positively. Some came to me afterwards saying they enjoyed listening. For all of you not being at BoostCon, here are the slides: Spirit: History and Evolution.

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Nov 26

Spirit V2.1 Compiler Compatibility

By Hartmut Kaiser General Comments Off on Spirit V2.1 Compiler Compatibility

We started to collect the information about what compilers and platforms can be used to compile applications based on Spirit V2.1. Please add any compiler and platform you have been using successfully to compile your Spirit applications.

For a list of known compilers go here.

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Nov 24

On this new page we collect projects and products using Boost.Spirit. This list is not exhaustive as we certainly don’t know about every use. Spirit is a Boost library making it readily available to a large number of developers. If you want your product, in house use, or open source project to be included in this list, please send a note to the Spirit Mailing List or simply add a comment below and we’ll gladly add the info.

See the full list here.

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Nov 20

A PDF build of the documentation for Boost-1.41 (from John Maddock) is now available here:

Thank you, John!

I extracted and uploaded the Spirit 2.1 documentation here: http://boost-spirit.com/dl_docs/spirit2_1.pdf

Have fun!

P.S. Don’t forget to visit this site every once in a while. We are posting tips, tutorials and addendum. Check out the Articles section.

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Nov 19

Why would you want to upgrade to Spirit2 from “Classic” Spirit?

Here’s a teaser:

Spirit 1.x [ straight pattern matching (no actions)  ]
real    0m0.359s
user   0m0.332s
sys     0m0.012s

Spirit 1.x [ parse tree generation ]
real    0m9.305s
user   0m9.209s
sys     0m0.076s

Spirit 2.1 [ AST with variant nodes generation ]
real    0m0.459s
user   0m0.432s
sys     0m0.028s

Check out this short article.

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Nov 19

Champagne to us all 🙂

The much-awaited Spirit 2.1 is now released after more than 2 years in beta (Spirit 2.0). Boost release 1.41.0 includes Spirit 2.1. This is the official release of the new Spirit 2.1, a completely new library for parsing, lexing, and output generation.

Boost release 1.41.0 is now available!

This release contains one new library and numerous bug fixes for existing libraries. For details, including download links, see

The release can also be downloaded directly from SourceForge. See

To install this release on your system, see


–The Boost release team

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